Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cover Pipes Under Pedestal Sink

MASI AND SANTORO arrogant person such failure

cast write after seeing and hearing the comparison between the Director General of RAI and Masi Santoro during the last episode of Year Zero. Before Masi says Santoro in previous broadcasts had "insulted live, as listeners know," to which Santoro rightly reply " as you say, not know how the audience", as it is a procedure in place court must give its opinion. Arrogance of Masi. Then these states to opt out after the type of transmission set by Santoro, "because the view of my lawyers and my purple clearly the code of practice on the representation of legal proceedings in broadcasting and the constitutional and legislative principles that underlie it. "Based on these allegations, Santoro replied that" you are saying that this transmission violates the rules "and therefore should be consistently close the program, or withdraw the above deadline. Arrogance of Santoro. Why Masi has clearly expressed his opinion (and its legal) and not a certainty, based on which of course he can not close transmission, and can not - nor is it fair that takes place - ritirarare what is his free opinion. Here are two people from Ego of them have given a very bad example of mutual tolerance.


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