Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whats The Diffrence Between Grinder And Blender


The irrational can not be fully expressed in any way, but you can avvicinavisi approximately through the languages, eg. through symbols, or by linguistic definitions, or - as in the case of music - through the identification of specific forms of expression.

The language of art, then, seeks to simulate the flow of often unspeakable of life, trying to avvicinarsense by analogy, as if art and life tend to become one thing. It can be said that it would cease to wonder about things to get into things . And herein lies an undeniable poignancy, otherwise unattainable.

You can then say that life consists in this vital relationship between a time when you "demand" and one which "lives", in which both elements are essential to the fullness of life. This relationship between these two moments, however, can not be understood as a sequence (ie as a time in which we live and where you think the next one, or the reverse, in which one thinks and one in which you live), because there is a moment of "one life" or one of only "thinking" then it must be understood as a dialectical moment.


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