Monday, November 15, 2010

What Is A Good Mascara


The Italian people is hilarious. In each table, in every workplace, where a small group of friends and confidants will meet, the guffaw is the host. There is a time when, faced with a job to do, to pursue a project idea to develop and implement, a group of Italians do not end up with something and someone laugh. If you pay due attention to this phenomenon, we end up soon to find out why. And 'well known that often the movements of the soul - Such as rice, or emotion - arise from a conflict, a contradiction between these two concomitant phenomena. For example, the rice that comes to the fall of a hapless passerby who slips on the snow is given by the contrast between two states that are denied each other - being up and being on earth - in general between an idea retention and destruction (which is why the tragic is the flip side of the comic). We then moved to life - his birth, in particular - because it represents the actual defeat of death. The Italian who laughs and giggles if he lives then a contrast, and this is the fact that he, while serving a purpose, he feels in his heart that can divert when he wants, that the rule that should guide it can be violated, it can do essentially what they want.


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